Monday, August 29, 2011

Ironman Canada 2012

So I registered for an Ironman today.

I have wanted to do an Ironman since 2006 when I did my first triathlon, The Mooseman Triathlon. I just love the culture of triathlon and have been so fortunate to meet, through Team In Training, amazing people in Denver who have inspired me to want to be better, fast, and stronger.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Ironman distance, it is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and then 26.2 mile run. That's right folks, after you swim and bike you run a marathon. Why do I want to do this to my body you might ask, well, I guess I may have masochistic tendencies. But seriously....I just want to have the experience of this ultra endurance sport and push my body and mind to the limit. Plus, the IM is in Penticton, BC which I hear is absolutely gorgeous. There are a couple friends who will be training for this race who live in Denver, including my coach Mary Carey, and I am so excited and fortunate to have this support system.

Ironman Canada 2012, HERE I COME!!!! Only 362 days away.


Unknown said...

Good luck. You are definitely the type of person who will be motivated by, not freaked out by, the challenge. I have a friend who did the ironman in Hawaii, but she lives in San Diego. She too is crazy;)

Amanda Court said...

I'm freaked out alright....and motivated. :)

Michele said...

Wow! Amazing! I'm sure it will be here before you know it. Good luck!